Friday, October 24, 2008


I am offering a Christmas Card Workshop for November 22nd , to make 24 cards for $25. These cards are darling and will be fun to make and a hit among those receiving them. SIGN UP NOW as there are a limited amount of spots available.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


It's All Relative!

I feel I had a successful Open House and I was pleased to see my guests. I had a lot of help preparing for my FIRST one and I want to thank those that helped me to feel successful.
First, Trac because she allowed me to over take her house with all of my Close to My Heart "STUFF".
Shena for helping me get everything organized & presentable. Yes, I would say that presentation is EVERYTHING, GOOD JOB SHENA!
Oh, how could I not mention the ladies that came and did My make-n-takes, Thanks for supporting me and being there.
It was so fun to have the little ones at my house too. I am including some pictures of them making cards, it's too precious not to!